TCLDOC v0.6 This package has been developed to generate documentation as automatically as possible. I develop several interface for simulators in Tcl/TK. At some points of these projects, I had to give a documentation for my TCL code. After having reading the Java documentation and more precisely the javadoc format, I plan to develop a similar system for my own needs. Tcldoc is the result of this idea. To make it appropriate to the TCL world, I had to adapt the original system. So, added to the original syntax (@author @version @see @param @return), I had the @global possibility. To see how a TCL file can be documented, take a look to the script itself or send me a mail if you have a problem. I also add to the script several features very pleasant to me: -summary generation (nb functions, percentage of comments...) -HTML customisation of the output -Various lists (functions files, uncomment parameters ...) I will be very please to hear about bugs/complaints and also if you are happy with this tool and how I can improve it. Don't hesitate to mail if you have questions or comments email Prerequesists ------------- tcldoc should works with all the Tcl version since the 4.0 one. I should say that I develop and test it with the Tcl8.0b1. In this version, so special treatment for name spaces has been done. For the installation (very simple), just read the following paragraph. See the TODO file for the future improvements I plan to develop ASAP. For the moment, no ChangeLog file is delivered because it's the first release. How to install -------------- First decompress the package file by typing something like gzip -dc tcldoc-0.6.tar.gz | tar xvf - This will create a tcldoc-0.6 directory. Enter in this directory. Edit the tcldoc and just change the first line to point to the tclsh8.0 executable. Then if you want, copy DOTtcldocrc to ~/.tcldocrc and customise it (the various options are commented in this file). How to run ---------- Just type, tcldoc dummy.tcl This will create a dummy.tcl.html file and an index.html file. After that, just play with it :-) How it works. ------------- When I start to develop this tool, I make the choice to absolutely avoid the 'source' command. So, I had to parse the TCL files and search for the 'proc' keyword. Then I read the file until founding the end of the function (I use the info complete command for that). After that I make an 'eval' command to define the function. After that, I am able to use the complete set of 'info' commands on this function. Then I remove the definition with a 'rename' operation. Contact: FTP Adress$VERSION.tar.gz This file has also been upload in the Neosoft WWW server IMPORTANT NOTE: ACRI S.A. is not at all involved in the tcldoc support. This tools is entirely a personal development.