Runners Diary - a Logging Tool for Runners rd-V.02 This is Running Diary - rd - a logbook for runners. It was designed because I didn't want to boot Windows for logging my runs. There are some things which are looked from - especially Athletes Diary, but it's not much. To run rd you need tcl-7.5 and tk-4.0, furthermore perl 4.xx or perl 5. If you don't have Linux or FreeBSD, then you need a binary of GNU-date. You can find it in the GNU-shellutils. This is necessary because I call it with an option to tell the current week - standard date of SUN and other vendors does not have this option. It's not yet very userfriendly at the installation phase: You have to define some filenames and paths. But if you have done this, it should work well. The principal element of scaling is the week. The runs of a week are listed in a completion and you can look at your efforts via a graphical output which summarizes your runs. These are the main features of this script. You can control your training- efforts week by week, and on this base you can build up your plan of training. According to the suggestions of Tim Noackes in his book 'Lore of Running' I implemented two rating tables, which define on one side the effort of training, which means the New Borg scale, on the other side the 'wellness' which you feel. To install it place the scripts in your path, eg '/usr/local/bin', edit the first lines in 'rd' which describe the names of tmp-files and your data-file. In 'rd' and '' change the path of the binaries (wish and perl) according to your system. The scripts are tested under Linux 1.3.72 and 1.2.13 botch with tcl-7.5 and tk-4.0 and tcl-7.5b1 tk-4.1b1 If you have problems running the program, suggestions, commentary or other remarks, let me know. Please be aware, I am not a professional programmer, so be mild looking at the code. :-} Its beta, but functions well. Enyoy! -- Gerhard Lehmann