RPNCALC ------- What is it? ----------- Rpncalc is a Tcl/Tk-based RPN calculator. It is similar in spirit to HP's pocket calculators, although it is not much like them in terms of keyboard layout. Licensing --------- The code for rpncalc is in the public domain: you may use it in any way you see fit, although the author would appreciate it if anyone who used the code acknowleged its origin. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE. In particular, I cannot make any guarantees with regard to the accuracy of the calculations performed by rpncalc, since rpncalc relies completely on Tcl/Tk to do its computations. Installation ------------ To install rpncalc on Unix or Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux): 1) Edit the first line of the file "rpncalc" to reflect the path to your "wish" binary. 2) Edit the "set calcSrcDir" line so that calcSrcDir gets set to the directory where you plan to install the calculator's utility files. 3) Create the directory where you plan to install the calculator's utility files. 4) Copy the followig utility files to the aforementioned directory: calcentr calcmem calcstck mlbid 5) Copy the file "rpncalc" to an appropriate place, i.e. some directory that's in your execution path, and make it executable. To install it on Windows or MacOS: Sorry, you're on your own. I don't have either of these systems around. Author ----- Neil McKay, mckay@eecs.umich.edu